
Acne is a chronic inflammation of the sebaceous pilo unit produced by sebum retention. It appears at puberty and predominates in face and chest. The lesions are very varied: they range from pimples, cysts, comedones to abscesses and scars.

Treatment Options:

Fotofacial IPL
LumiMax LumiLed
CO2 Fractional Laser


Rosacea or also known as acne rosacea is a chronic dermatosis of unknown origin; Is located in the face and is characterized by a condition of blood vessels. Redness is caused by outbreaks and is often accompanied by acne-like lesions. In some cases, rosacea may also occur in the neck, thorax, scalp and ears.
Although there is no cure, a number of medical laser options and treatments are available to control and reverse symptoms. It is called rhinophyma to the most frequent complication of rosacea and this is a hypertrophic deformation of the nose and its treatment of choice is CO2 Fractionated Laser.
Rosacea is a very common chronic condition of the skin of unknown origin. It usually has an insidious course mainly affect the face manifested by facial redness that are accompanied by lesions similar to acne (papules, pustules) and / or symptoms such as itching and / or sensitive skin.
This disease affects both men and women and usually begins in the 20 – 30 years. Over time, the redness becomes persistent, and blood vessels can become more and more visible.
Although it is still not well known the cause of rosacea are precipitating factors, which can be avoided in order to avoid outbreaks, as well as skin care that are indispensable for proper control of the disease.
It is well known that the skin of the patient with rosacea usually has a high sensitivity and hyperreactivity to some stimuli. The restoration of the stratum corneum is a very important aspect in these patients. In addition to avoiding aggressive products, an emollient should be used once or twice a day before the application of the other products. Soap-free cleansers are less irritating, have a more favorable pH and dry less than soaps. In addition, they relieve irritation and reduce itching, dryness and erythema, so it is recommended to use in the form of a bar or liquid.
Although there is no definitive cure, there are medical treatments and a series of lasers that are available to control and reverse the symptoms.

Treatment Options:

* Laser Nd Yag – Q-Switched.
* LumiMax – LumiLed
* Fotofacial-IPL
* CO2 Fractional Laser

Available in: TijuanaRosaritoHermosilloCuliacan Tres RíosCuliacan QuintasCDMX


Psoriasis is a systemic disease that manifests itself in the skin, nails and joints. There are several types of psoriasis, the most common is plaque psoriasis.

It is characterized by red lesions, elevated with scales, that appear mainly in bony projections (like elbows, knees, behind the ears, between the buttocks and scalp); Sometimes it is asymptomatic, although in most cases it can cause itching, burning or stinging. If the lesions are manipulated there may be easy bleeding. In this disease there is the “Koebner Phenomenon”, which means that when a garment presses the skin for a while, a plaque of psoriasis can be formed in the shape of the garment being pressed (eg in the form of a watch or a belt). Nails can affect one or all of the nails of the hands and feet, it manifests with changes of coloration (oil stains), dimples (the nail has a fine point that resembles the surface of a thimble), thickening of the nail plate and Onycholysis (detachment of the distal nail plate) which is often confused with nail fungus. 30% of patients develop joint disease, known as psoriatic arthritis, which initially manifests with pain (it can be on the fingers, ankles, knees, lower back, etc.), later with pain and inflammation, finally destruction of the joint and deformity. It is usually accompanied by comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, systemic arterial hypertension, depression and anxiety.

The onset of the disease can occur at any age, from infancy (where it is often confused with diaper dermatitis) to old age, however, there are two peaks of age in which it manifests most frequently, which are around Of the 20 years and of the 40 years.

The cause of psoriasis is multiple, it is considered to be an immunological inflammatory disease; In which there is a genetic component (can be inherited, although not all members of a family will be affected, the probability is greater when both parents are affected by psoriasis); There are environmental factors that can trigger or worsen psoriasis such as smoking and dry and cold climates. Also certain drugs and infections have been linked to the onset of the disease.

There are several treatments for psoriasis, including topical treatments (creams, gels, ointments), systemic (tablets, capsules, injections) and biotechnological treatments (antiTNFs, among others); Also have adjuvant treatments like laser, among others

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious disease that is not cured but controlled. The doctor trained to treat psoriasis properly is the dermatologist. Do not self-medicate, as even creams not prescribed by a specialist in this pathology can be harmful and make this condition worse.

Go to the dermatologist.

Types Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is an abnormal growth of skin cells. It often develops in areas of skin exposed to the sun’s rays. Skin cancer affects people of all colors and races.

Actinic keratosis

These dry, scaly patches or red patches are precancerous growths. Most people see their first QAs after 40 years of age because they tend to develop after years of sun exposure.

* QA usually form on skin that receives a lot of exposure to the sun, such as the head, neck, hands and forearms.
* Because QA is progressing to a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), treatment is important.
This is the most common type of skin cancer.

* CBCs develop frequently in people who have fair skin, but can occur in people with darker skin.
* CBCs look like a flesh-colored patch, like a pearl or pink patch of skin.
* CBCs develop after years of frequent exposure to the sun or tanning indoors.
* CBCs are common in the head, neck and arms, but can form anywhere on the body, including the chest, abdomen, and legs.
* Early diagnosis and treatment of BCC is important. CBC can invade and destroy the surrounding tissue, causing damage and disfigurement.

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

CEC is the second most common type of skin cancer.
* People who have fair skin are more likely to develop SCC, but may develop in people with darker skin.
* ECC often looks like a red bump, scaly patch or a sore that heals and then reopens.
* CECs tend to form on skin that receives frequent exposure to the sun, such as the ears of males, face, neck, arms, chest and back. CCE can grow deep in the skin and cause damage and disfigurement. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent this and prevent CEC from spreading to other areas of the body


Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer.
* Melanoma develops frequently on a mole or appears suddenly as a new dark spot on the skin.
* Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.
* Knowing the ABCDE signs of melanoma can help you find an early melanoma.

In Dermatológica We recommend you

* Biopsia
* Dermatological consultation
* Photodynamic Therapy
* Laser CO2

Available in TijuanaRosaritoHermosilloCuliacan Tres RíosCuliacan QuintasCDMX


There are different types of wart-like lesions, the most common of which are true viral warts, better known as “stingy” or “fish eye”, and the second type is non-virus warts such as fibroids ( Skin tags) and age warts (seborrheic keratoses).

Warts caused by viruses are very common in children and people with a diminished immune system. These viruses are found in the environment and can enter the skin and cause infections, often due to previous trauma or rubbing. Self-inoculation by scratching is common. When seen on the face they have a flattened appearance and are usually small and multiple, usually the color of the skin or discreetly brown. On the fingers or the body can be uncomfortable, especially for the aesthetic aspect. In the soles of the feet are often painful and difficult to eradicate.

Although warts could cure on their own, it is highly recommended to receive dermatological treatment, since the behavior of viruses is uncertain and is an infection that can spread to other areas of the body or even spread to other people.

Since viruses are infectious agents made up solely of genetic material and are not properly mycotic organisms, there are multiple treatments and techniques to eliminate them since not all viral warts are eliminated in the same way. Some options are cryotherapy, laser, electrocoagulation, and some others. Consult your dermatologist.

Fibromas or acrochordions are wart-like lesions, have a familial predisposition, are located mainly in the neck, eyelids, armpits, English or abdomen, are elongated skin color “warts” or brown. They do not represent any health problem, but are removed for cosmetic reasons. It is important that before removing this type of warts, they are examined by a dermatologist, since they could be confused and treated of some other type of tumor in the skin.

Seborrheic age warts or keratoses are rough plaques commonly brown, flat or thick and may appear anywhere on the body, so it is important to examine them before removing them. Your treatment can be done with methods such as cryotherapy, laser or electro-flash.

Avilable in: TijuanaRosaritoHermosilloCuliacan Tres RíosCuliacan QuintasCDMX


Dermatitis or eczemas are inflammations of the skin. The cause of these inflammations are diverse, one of the frequent forms is atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis (popularly known as skin allergy).

There are multiple types of dermatitis depending on the cause, the area of the body where it appears, how long it lasts, etc. Thus we can see dermatitis due to allergy to contact with a product, substance or object, by irritation from scraping, friction, excessive contact with water or detergents, and so on. There are internal dermatitis such as eczema of eyelids, hands, numular, dyshidrotic, among many others.

Dermatitis occurs as red, scaly skin lesions, with or without exudate (tear skin), vesicles, blisters, thickening or swelling of the affected area and usually cause itching that can affect the patient’s life.

Before giving a treatment is essential to determine the cause and rule out other inflammatory conditions of the skin. The dermatologist is the specialist to make the diagnosis and establish an effective treatment.

Among the recommendations to improve or avoid the appearance of dermatitis are the gentle cleansing of the skin with products free of detergents, lubricate the skin frequently preferring white moisturizing cream without fragrance or preservative, avoid carving or friction, wear cotton clothing, avoid abrupt changes in temperature, wash clothes with liquid detergent or perfume-free tablet, avoid sun exposure and do not scratch. It is fundamental to avoid contact with the causative object or product, in case any external factor is detected.

Depending on the degree of severity, eczemas can be improved with topical treatment, but sometimes it is necessary to initiate some treatment taken orally.


Available in: TijuanaRosaritoHermosilloCuliacan Tres RíosCuliacan QuintasCDMX

Excessive sweating?

In conditions of heat, humidity, physical exercise and stress situations, all people sweat, however, the presence of sweating or excess of this in conditions of rest or in low temperatures is defined medically as Hyperhidrosis, and affects approximately 3 To 5% of the population. It is an increased activity of the sweat glands. It is divided into generalized, localized or focal hyperhidrosis. In the evaluation of all patients with hyperhidrosis, a secondary cause should be ruled out: hyperthyroidism, neurological diseases, menopause and the most common anxiety disorders. We will refer specifically to the focal type, since it is the most common and frequent reason for consultation.

Focal Hyperhidrosis:

Occurs at any age, but regularly begins after puberty and accompanies the person throughout life. Not only is it uncomfortable for the patient, but it impacts to a greater or lesser degree on the quality of life and self-esteem, as well as on their ability to relate to other people. In spite of this, only 30 to 40% with this condition seek medical advice.

Fortunately there are several therapeutic options for the treatment of Hyperhidrosis, and each treatment will be individualized according to the degree of hyperhidrosis and the response that is going to the different treatments; We will divide the treatments into 5 groups:


Here are the famous anti-perspirants, which they do is obstruct the exit of sweat; On the other hand there are medicated antiperspirants, which contain aluminum chloride in different concentrations ranging from 10% to 20%, which are preferred under prescription and medical supervision, as they can cause significant local irritation.


These types of drugs are strictly prescribed by doctors, as they can have side effects, these act by decreasing the activity of the sweat gland. The most commonly used are tricyclic antidepressants and some anticholinergics.


This method reduces the activity of the gland by conduction, is very useful for hyperhidrosis of palms and plants, but requires many sessions.

BOTOX or DYSPORT (Botulinum Toxin):

Approved as medical treatment for this condition. Very safe while being applied by a trained physician. It can be applied to palms and armpits with very good results. The procedure is well tolerated after application of topical anesthetic under armpits or nerve block of the hand to avoid pain.


There are 2 types of surgical procedures for cases that do not respond to any of the above treatments or that the problem is very severe. One is the removal of armpit fat by liposuction, since there are large numbers of sweat glands, and the other method is known as Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy, where the nerves that transmit the sweating stimulus are cut. These methods are not 100% foolproof and can have greater complications than any other method mentioned here


Fractional Radiofrequency is another method that has worked well in some patients.


* Go to a Dermatology specialist for your assessment.
* Determine that it is a primary focal hyperhidrosis.
* Start with the treatment that less side effects present.
* Individualize the treatment according to severity and location.

Treatment Options:

Dermatological Consultation

Disponible en: TijuanaRosaritoHermosilloCuliacan Tres RíosCuliacan QuintasCDMX

When the nails are altered, it can be due to diverse causes, for example the parasite by fungi. Onychomycosis is an infection of mycotic origin, which parasitizes the nails of the hands and feet.

It is chronic and usually asymptomatic. It is produced by three groups of fungi: dermatophytes, yeasts and molds.


They are fungi that parasite keratin (keratinophils), are found in humans (anthropophilic), animals (zoophilic) and soil (geophilic). They produce ringworm or dermatophytosis. In the nails they present between 80 to 90%.


They are usually unicellular, round or oval fungi that parasitize the skin, attachments, mucous membranes and other organs. Specifically the fungus Candida spp is the parasite plus the nails. In the nail plates are presented between 10 to 15%.


They are filamentous fungi widely distributed in the nature, and that parasite infinity of substrates. The most isolated onychomycosis are Scopulariopsis, Aspergillus and Scytalidium. Nails are isolated between 2 to 5%.

Predisposing factors

The most frequent factors to present an onychomycosis are:

* Hot
* Humidity (nails have 100 times greater diffusion in water than the epidermis)
* Occlusion (synthetic footwear)
* Infections in feet (bacterial and / or mycotic, usually in feet)
* Lichen
* Mellitus diabetes
* Carbohydrate Contact
* Injuries
* Alopecia areata
* Nail clipper
* Traumatic Onychosis

Available in: TijuanaRosaritoHermosilloCuliacan Tres RíosCuliacan QuintasCDMX



Varicose veins are swollen, twisted and painful veins that have filled with blood, appearing primarily in the legs, protruding with a bluish color.

The valves in our veins cause blood to flow naturally into the heart, so it naturally does not accumulate in one place. When a vein becomes varicose, the valves must be “damaged” or “absent”, causing the veins to fill with blood, especially when long days of standing.

The procedure consists of a simple injection with sclerosing solution in each varicose vein, the vein apparently will harden and then recover.

What applications does it have?

* Varicose veins with blood flow problems.
* Pain and heaviness in the legs.
* Changes or ulcers on the skin that are caused by having too much pressure in the veins.
* Blood clots or inflammation in the veins.
* Improve the appearance of veins in legs.

After the procedure, the treated area is blindfolded to control possible inflammation, in most cases it is recommended to use compression stockings at least once or twice a week to optimize the results of sclerotherapy.

Available in: TijuanaRosaritoHermosilloCuliacan Tres RíosCuliacan QuintasCDMX